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What is Endoscopy?

The procedure whereby the inside of the gastrointestinal tract is examined is called endoscopy. There has been a revolution in the field of medicine over the last 3 decades which has opened up the possibility of accurate non-operative diagnosis and certain therapeutic procedures which were hitherto possible only by surgery. The endoscope instrument is a technological marvel and is in the form of a tube with an attached lighting, camera, and recording system connected to a computer.
What are the types of Endoscopy?
  • Upper GI Endoscopy: (simply called Endoscopy also) examines the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract – mouth to duodenum 2nd part.
  • Lower GI Endoscopy: (simply called colonoscopy) examines the large intestine (also called colon or large bowel) 
  • Sigmoidoscopy: In some conditions examining the anus to the descending colon called sigmoidoscopy suffices.
  • Enteroscopy: This examines the small bowel (small intestine) with a longer endoscope.
  • ERCP: This examines the bile duct and pancreatic duct by injecting a dye under the guidance of X-ray imaging.
  • Endosonography: (simply called EUS) uses ultrasound mounted on the endoscope to examine the gastrointestinal wall and structures just outside of the gastrointestinal tract.
What is the purpose of endoscopy?
The meaning of endoscopy is looking inside the gastrointestinal tract as it is a tubular structure that can be inflated with air for better visualisation.
  • Diagnostic endoscopy: Several diseases can be diagnosed by their appearance or samples of tissue taken at endoscopy (biopsy).
  • Therapeutic Endoscopy: Several therapies like stopping a bleeding source, placing small tubes (stents) to relieve obstruction, dilating a narrow part, removal of fluid collections in abdomen etc. can be done. Some refer to this as endoscopic surgery. Some of the best endoscopic surgery doctors in Chennai work together at Progress Gastrocare.  In this article, we will stick to diagnostic upper GI endoscopy (simply called endoscopy).
How is endoscopy done?
Usually, a patient comes on an empty stomach for a minimum of 6 hours. Any food particle or liquid will obscure vision and the patient can aspirate stomach contents into the lungs during endoscopy. So an empty stomach is a must. Patient’s Pulse BP oxygen level etc are recorded. A spray is applied to the throat to allow easy endoscopy and the patient is asked to lie down on the left side. The endoscope is introduced through the mouth and travels through the throat, food pipe, stomach, and up to the second part of the duodenum. Along the way air is introduced for better vision, and measurements and pictures are taken. The endoscope is withdrawn and the patient can wash their mouth and wait until the report gets ready in a few minutes. In case of injection (sedation), the patient will not feel the endoscope being introduced nor any pain and will be in a state of light sleep for a few minutes. Such patients need observation for an hour after the procedure.
Where is the endoscopy done?
An endoscopy is usually done as an outpatient procedure ( no admission required). So it can be done in a clinic or hospital set up with proper licence and monitoring facilities. It should be avoided in diagnostic centres. The expert doctors performing endoscopy are usually gastroenterologists. However, general surgeons and surgical oncologists also perform endoscopy.
What are the precautions before endoscopy?
One has to be on an empty stomach which means no liquids or solids for 6 hours. Patients should inform the doctor about all the medicines being taken, especially blood thinners. Patients should also inform doctors of any medicine allergies, medical illnesses, past anaesthesia experience, past endoscopy, past surgery details, and any recent blood test reports available. Patients should enquire which medicines have to be taken and which should be avoided. If there is any cough or cold, endoscopy is better postponed for a couple of weeks if it’s not an emergency. In case of sedation, patients should bring an attender with them. Also, patients should carry their medical records including any test or scan reports with them. The best endoscopy specialists in Chennai at Progress Gastrocare help you in understanding the precautions before and after the endoscopy.
What are the precautions after endoscopy?
After endoscopy, the patient is advised not to gargle the throat for 15 minutes as it can cause aspiration due to the throat spray anaesthetic. In case of sedation, gargling is avoided for 2 hours. Patients can go home immediately after collecting the endoscopy report and a brief discussion with the doctor in case of throat spray. 
However, in case of sedation, the patient is observed for an hour before being allowed to go home. Also in this case the patient needs an attender to drive them back home. Patients should find out when to take their regular medicines after endoscopy. Generally for endoscopy per se, no medicines are needed.
Is endoscopy painful?
In general, endoscopy is a painless procedure. This is ensured by giving anaesthesia either for the throat alone using a spray or by using injection to produce sedation for a few minutes. Mild discomfort may be experienced by a few patients which will go away after a few hours and will not interfere with food intake. At Progress Gastrocare, some of the best endoscopy specialists in Chennai perform painless endoscopies with fast recovery to enable quick return to normal.
What time is the endoscopy done?
An early endoscopy in the mornings before food or any liquid is convenient for the patient. If the patient is unable to come in the morning, this can be done in the late afternoon or early evening after 6 hours of fasting after breakfast. In rare cases, emergency endoscopies may be done outside of working hours. Progress Gastrocare has some of the best endoscopy Surgeons in Chennai who perform morning, evening and emergency endoscopies.
Can I go to work after the endoscopy?
If it is done under throat-spray anaesthesia, the patient can go to work immediately. If it is done under sedation, the patient has to be observed in the hospital for 1-2 hours after which the patient can go home and take rest for a couple of hours before going to work.
When can I eat after the endoscopy?
Patients can have regular food after 15 minutes of endoscopy. Those under IV sedation need at least 1-hour gap to ensure the effect of medicines has worn out.
What is the cost of endoscopy? Can it be claimed in insurance?
Endoscopy cost in Chennai varies based on whether a biopsy is done or if sedation is used or if the latest endoscope is used and varies slightly between hospitals. Most patients do not require advanced endoscope equipments. The best endoscopy doctors in Chennai at Progress Gastrocare have access to variety of hospitals and can tailor the cost accordingly.
Any therapeutic endoscopy is generally covered by insurance. Endoscopy done for diagnostic purposes is not covered by most insurance policies unless someone has taken such a policy to cover diagnostic procedures. This can be clarified with the insurance agency’s toll-free number or with the insurance department in the hospital.
In case the diagnostic endoscopy is part of evaluating a patient that leads to some therapy in the next few weeks then reimbursement can be claimed from the insurance company.

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