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What is Self-medication?
Self-medication refers to the act of taking medicines by oneself without consulting a doctor. This has become increasingly common as patients refer to the internet for medical treatment the same way as buying a product like a mobile phone. So, patients may google for some medicine that treats the symptom or ask the staff at the medical shop, or ask any known persons like family or friends or from the prescription of their spouse, etc. Let us see the pros and cons of the same.
Why do people self-medicate?
Self-medication fits into the ‘do it yourself spirit’ which is prevalent in every sphere of life. So, it is seen as normal to search for medicines that can address the symptom and provide relief. In this fast-paced life of today, taking off work is becoming difficult. Some have the fear of approaching the doctor lest they be diagnosed with a major disease or that they may need to take lab tests, or more medicines which add to the cost. Some even avoid consultation for fear of being ‘looted’ and not cared for by doctors. Sometimes patients may be in a remote location or may be dependent on someone else to physically take them to a hospital. Sometimes they may not be able to find a suitable appointment with a specialist. Some may feel that I should consult the doctor if the symptom does not go away with the medicine.
What is the situation in other countries?
In the West, self medication is limited to mild medicines for common conditions like fever, cold, acidity, wound care, contraception, etc. It is not possible to get other medicines without a doctor’s prescription. However, in India, it is quite possible to get most medicines by just asking the sales staff in the medical shop. With the penetration of the internet and the availability of doctors online, some of the above problems are solved in the short term. However online consultation is no substitute for physical consultation and has a lot of limitations. Audio or telephonic consultations have even more limitations.
How does a doctor consultation help?
One must understand the process of doctor consultation to understand the pros and cons of self-medication. Every doctor is examined by examiners before certification to practice as a doctor based on the same format. The doctor collects information from the patient regarding the symptoms, similar illnesses in the past, other illnesses, admissions, surgeries, allergies, personal habits, physical capacity, emotional or mind issues, family history, occupation, and general review of symptoms of various systems like cardiac, respiratory, etc. This is followed by a physical examination which comprises a complete general examination, including measurements like BP, Pulse, weight, etc. The next step of examination is examining the affected system followed by a review of other systems. Physical and emotional aspects are also indirectly evaluated. Based on both the history and physical examination, the clinical examination is completed. The review of past medical records including treatment details and test reports is part and parcel of the consultation process. Based on this, a working diagnosis is arrived at and a plan is formulated in discussion with the patient and family.
One can see that physical examination is a vital part of consultation and missed in self-medication.
Do not risk your health by self-medicating, instead consult with the best gastroenterologist doctor in Chennai who provides the best care for our patients. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get the relief you deserve.
Next ascertaining symptoms alone is only a small portion of history taken and cannot give the full picture. The same symptom in the right side of the upper abdomen can be because of gallbladder stone, kidney stone, ulcer, gastritis, muscle cramp, kidney tumor, colon tumor, and liver abscess. To dissect the different possibilities, it requires a proper gastroenterologist consultation. This can not be done by the staff at the medical shop, many of whom are sales staff with or without a proper degree in pharmacy. Even qualified pharmacists cannot prescribe medicines. Doctors desist from self-medication for their illness especially if it does not fall under their specialization.
What are the problems of self-medication?
The widespread use of self-medication has led to more patients presenting with delayed diagnoses in an advanced stage of their disease. This is very typical in acute situations. However, after suffering for a few days they finally reach the doctor at which stage treatment will take time to act further adding to the suffering. Some patients use all the methods one by one- trying medicines based on internet search, asking a known person, medical shop staff, etc – and are brought to the doctor in an advanced stage when treatment options get limited. This happens typically in chronic situations when symptoms may be mild or moderate for quite some time. Just as everyone knows prevention is better than cure one must also understand that early treatment is better than battling later suffering. Self-medication may not be the best solution. Instead, consult the experts at Progress Gastro Care in Chennai, one of the best hospitals for gastroenterology treatment. Our team of gastroenterology specialists in Chennai and advanced facilities ensures that you receive the best possible care for your condition. 
What is the solution?
One can consult their nearby doctor. A non-specialist doctor can also ascertain if the situation warrants a specialist consultation, how serious the condition is, and whether further tests are needed. For milder illnesses, they can solve the problem or give appropriate treatment until a specialist takes over. This way we do not end up spending a lot for minor illnesses and on the other hand do not get trapped by delayed diagnosis. Unlike in the West where meeting a doctor is difficult even if one is a paying patient, in India it is very easy with the same day appointment possible even for specialists. At Progress Gastro Care, the best gastroenterology hospital in Chennai we provide top-notch care and treatment for all your gastrointestinal issues.
5 common mistakes in medication
  1. mixopathy: this refers to mixing up allopathic medicines with other streams of medical care like Ayurveda, Homeopathy, etc. The effects of drug-to-drug interactions are unknown and unpredictable.
  2. Multi dosing: Sometimes the patient has to visit multiple doctors. Some of the medicines may overlap amongst the various prescriptions and patients may end up taking multiple doses of the same medicines.
  3. Under or overdosing: Drugs should be considered like a double edge sword. Inappropriate use of medicines be it in allopathy or any other stream of medical practice can lead to side effects and complications. Most commonly patients stop medicines before the intended duration. Those taking antibiotics for shorter duration may be promoting the germs to develop resistance to such antibiotics. Irrational use of antibiotics is a worldwide problem and is contributing directly to the development of superbugs against which current antibiotics do not work. Again, taking a lesser dose may not be effective and a higher dose than prescribed may lead to side effects.
  4. Self – prescription: Deciding or purchasing medicines by oneself without consulting has the potential to develop complications and should be strictly avoided.
  5. Relying on medicines only: it is common for patients to ask for medicines for any illness. Recovery from most illnesses is a combination of modalities like proper dieting, taking rest, appropriate exercise, physiotherapy, lifestyle changes, stress management, and sometimes a procedure like surgery with or without medicines. Relying on medicines alone is not the right approach.
Consult us at Progress Gastro Care, the best hospital for gastroenterology in Chennai. We have a team of expert doctors who will provide personalized treatment plans to address your specific concerns. Schedule your appointment today and let us help you get back on track!

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